Can you grow petunias indoors?

Can you grow petunias indoors?

The annual or bedding petunias can be grown from seed sown indoors with warmth in spring in cell trays, seed trays or small pots at a temperature of 18-24°C (65-75°F).

Can you keep petunias inside over winter?

It’s fine to store the plant over winter or harvest and grow seeds; however, the seeds from fancy petunias don’t resemble the parent plants. You’ll get a petunia if you plant the seeds, but it will probably be a plain variety.

How long will petunias live indoors?

To tackle the first part of the question, petunias can live for 2 or 3 years but generally behave as annuals because they can’t survive the freezing temperatures of the winter. More on that below.

How do you care for indoor petunias?

Place the petunias in the sunniest window in your house. Petunias need full sun outdoors, and plenty of light indoors to produce multitudes of blooms and to keep them from getting spindly. Turning the plants every few days can help keep the growth even on both sides of the container.

Can petunias grow in shade?

Petunias need full sun or they will become spindly. They don’t tend to flower well in shade. They are quite versatile, growing well in different types of soil as long as the soil drains well and doesn’t stay wet.

How long will petunias live?

between 2 and 3 years
How Long Do Petunias Last? As an answer to your question, petunias can last between 2 and 3 years in warmer climates. However, the fact is that in the real sense, petunias are annuals in cold climates. As such, they might be unable to survive the cold temperature that comes with winter.

What month do petunias bloom?

Petunias are bright and lively, bloom from spring until frost, and scent the air with lovely fragrance. Best of all, petunias are amazingly easy to grow, both in the garden and in containers.

When to start petunias indoors?

While garden centres and nurseries offer petunia bedding plants ready for planting in spring, it’s possible to start petunias by planting seeds indoors. Plant petunias seeds in late winter, 10 to 12 weeks before the last expected frost date in your area.

When to plant petunias outdoors?

Petunias need to be started from seed around 10-12 weeks before you want to plant them outdoors. You should wait until after the last spring frost to move them outdoors. Knowing your frost dates can help you decide when to start your seeds indoors.

Can you grow a Petunia indoors?

Indoor Petunia Care Grow These Petunias Indoors. Of the many petunia varieties, some are more suitable for growing indoors than others. Prepping Your Flower Plants. The most challenging aspect of growing petunias indoors is meeting their lighting requirements. Caring for Your Flower Plants. Prune Your Flower Plants.

When to start Petunia seed?

Plant petunias seeds in late winter, 10 to 12 weeks before the last expected frost date in your area. Depending on your climate, petunia seeds are usually planted between mid-February and early March. It’s important not to start the seeds too early, as petunia seedlings kept indoors too long become leggy and unhealthy.

Can you grow petunias indoors? The annual or bedding petunias can be grown from seed sown indoors with warmth in spring in cell trays, seed trays or small pots at a temperature of 18-24°C (65-75°F). Can you keep petunias inside over winter? It’s fine to store the plant over winter or harvest and grow seeds;…