Do breast implants go under the pectoral muscle?

Do breast implants go under the pectoral muscle?

Under the Muscle Placement Placing implants under the chest muscle (a.k.a., “submuscular” placement) is a good alternative for women with little natural tissue, which is common among breast augmentation candidates. The chest muscle offers the coverage and support the implants need to achieve a natural-looking result.

Where is the muscle cut for breast implants?

The term submuscular, or “under the muscle”, implant placement is somewhat misleading: while the breast implant is placed underneath a patient’s skin, fat, glands, and pectoralis major muscle (the outermost chest muscle), most surgeons actually place the implant on top of the inner pectoralis minor and serratus muscles …

What muscles are affected by breast augmentation?

Most surgeons place the implants on top of the pectoralis minor and serratus muscles, but below the pectoralis major muscles.

Are chest exercises bad for breast implants?

After breast augmentation, especially with implants under the muscle, I recommend patients try to avoid strenuous chest exercise such as push ups.

Should breast implants go above or below the muscle?

Women with smaller breasts may prefer to place the implant below the chest muscle. Doing so will help shape the breast, giving it a natural appearance by smoothing the lines created by an implant. It is also advisable to place any saline implants below the chest muscle.

Which is better over the muscle or under?

The under the muscle or submuscular approach involves placing the implants below the chest muscle. This is usually a good option for women with little native breast tissue, as the muscle offers greater coverage. The results tend to look more natural than breasts that are placed above the muscle.

How is the pectoralis muscle used for breast implants?

In the average women who hasn’t done extensive bodybuilding, the pectoralis muscle is relatively thin (less than ½ inch) and flexible. This allows it to be either be left in place, pulled forward completely to create a pocket for the implant, or partially pulled forward to create a half-pocket for the implant.

How is a pre pectoral breast reconstruction done?

These drawbacks have left an opening for a more advanced option: pre-pectoral breast reconstruction. With this method, the implant is placed over the muscle. This means there is little to no muscle deformity or pain associated with the procedure, since the muscle does not have to be cut.

Where do breast implants go under the muscle?

If your board certified plastic surgeon places the implants “over the muscle,” it means the implant sits sandwiched between the breast tissue and the pectoralis. If your plastic surgeon places “under the muscle,” the implant lies closer to the chest cavity, underneath the breast tissue and the pectoral muscle.

Is the pectoralis major separated from the rib cage?

The pectoralis major is separated from the rib cage at the bottom of the breast to create space for the implant. There are pros and cons to both implant placements. Dr. Hubbard feels strongly that in most cases, placing breast implants under the muscle is a better decision.

Do breast implants go under the pectoral muscle? Under the Muscle Placement Placing implants under the chest muscle (a.k.a., “submuscular” placement) is a good alternative for women with little natural tissue, which is common among breast augmentation candidates. The chest muscle offers the coverage and support the implants need to achieve a natural-looking result. Where…