What is Marie kondos famous phrase?

What is Marie kondos famous phrase?

The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment. To truly cherish the things that are important to you, you must first discard those that have outlived their purpose. And if you no longer need them, then that is neither wasteful nor shameful.

What does Marie Kondo say about possessions?

Kondo argues that by keeping so much stuff, we’re not valuing what we have. The fact that you possess a surplus of things that you can’t bring yourself to discard doesn’t mean you are taking good care of them. In fact, it is quite the opposite.

Why is Marie Kondo famous?

Enchanted with organizing since her childhood, Marie began her tidying consultant business as a 19-year-old university student in Tokyo. Today, Marie is a renowned tidying expert helping people around the world to transform their cluttered homes into spaces of serenity and inspiration.

Who said if it doesn’t spark joy?

Marie Kondo
Quote by Marie Kondo: “Discard anything that doesn’t spark joy.”

How often should you clear out clothes?

Here are some basic guidelines on how often to wash clothes: Shirts and blouses: after 1-2 wearings. Dress pants or slacks: after 2-3 wearings. Jeans: after 4-5 wearings.

Who said Sparkjoy?

What does Marie Kondo really mean when she uses the words spark joy? by Ashley AustrewAfter the debut of Marie Kondo’s smash hit Netflix show, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, in January 2019, much fuss has been made about her directive of removing items in our homes that do not, as she calls it, “spark joy.”

How do you declutter sentimental items?

But these steps can make dealing with sentimental clutter easier.

  1. Set a Timeframe and System. Before you start, it’s helpful to set a time limit for yourself to avoid being overwhelmed.
  2. Sort Through the Clutter.
  3. Revisit Difficult Items.
  4. Toss or Donate Items You’re Parting With.
  5. Highlight Items You’ve Decided to Keep.

How does Marie Kondo remove clothes?

Declutter Your Family’s Closets in 6 Easy Steps Using the KonMari Method

  1. Throw all your clothes in one spot.
  2. Gather the rest of your belongings, including out-of-season clothing and underwear.
  3. Go through the pile item by item.
  4. Make a “maybe” pile, but try to limit it.
  5. Be honest about clothes that don’t fit.

What does Kondo mean?

/ (ˈkɒndəʊ) / noun plural -dos. (in Uganda) a thief or armed robber.

Does it bring you joy quote?

“Therefore, the best criterion for choosing what to keep and what to discard is whether keeping it will make you happy, whether it will bring you joy.” “Discarding is not the point; what matters is keeping those things that bring you joy.

How do I clear out?

Practical steps for a big clear out

  1. Know your limitations.
  2. Pick your weapons.
  3. Decide where it’s all going next.
  4. Enlist help.
  5. Take coffee breaks.
  6. Don’t get distracted!
  7. The one-year rule.
  8. Finish the job.

What are some famous quotes by Marie Kondo?

Here’s a collection of the most inspiring Marie Kondo quotes: 50 Famous Marie Kondo Quotes About Life. 1. “Human beings can only truly cherish a limited number of things at one time.” – Marie Kondo. 2. “It is the same with people. Not every person you meet in life will become a close friend or lover.

What did Marie Kondo say about attachment to the past?

“Attachment to the past and fears concerning the future not only govern the way you select the things you own but also represent the criteria by which you make choices in every aspect of your life, including your relationships with people and your job.” – Marie Kondo 7. “Clutter is caused by a failure to return things to where they belong.

How to follow Marie Kondo on Goodreads?

Goodreads helps you follow your favorite authors. Be the first to learn about new releases! Start by following Marie Kondō. “The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.”

What does Marie Kondo teach us about happiness?

Marie Kondo teaches us to pick each item up one by one and feel whether or not it sparks joy in our hearts. Joy is elation, it’s unbridled happiness. If you feel dread, remorse or any other unpleasant emotions it’s time to throw it away.


What is Marie kondos famous phrase? The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment. To truly cherish the things that are important to you, you must first discard those that have outlived their purpose. And if you no longer need them, then that is neither wasteful…