What is a good rain dance team?

What is a good rain dance team?

The 15 Best Pokemon For Rain Teams

  • 8 Kingdra.
  • 9 Kabutops.
  • 10 Scizor.
  • 11 Drednaw.
  • 12 Seismitoad.
  • 13 Heliolisk.
  • 14 Ludicolo. Ludicolo is the first of many Swift Swim sweepers on this list.
  • 15 Politoed. While it was overtaken by Pelipper as the best rain sweeper in Generation VII, it can still function in that role very well.

Which Pokemon set up rain?

Rain teams tend to include Pelipper, a couple of Swift Swim Pokémon, and at least one Pokémon with Lightning Rod to counter Electric-type moves. There are not a lot of strong Grass-type Pokémon to worry about in the meta, so rain teams tend to perform well.

How do you build a rain team?

Building a Rain Offense Team

  1. Step 1: Politoed. The role of Politoed is incredibly self-explanatory: it provides rain for the rain offense team.
  2. Step 2: Kabutops.
  3. Step 3: Special Water-type.
  4. Step 4: Steel-type.
  5. Step 5: Electric- or Dragon-type.
  6. Step 6: Lead or Pivot.

Is gyarados good on rain teams?

Gyarados – With solid defenses, resistance to Water-type moves, and a powerful Attack stat, Gyarados can be a major pain for Rain Dance teams.

How do you counter a rain team?

Electric and Grass are your weapons of choice here. Electric resistances on rain teams are limited mostly to Grass-types, Thundurus-T, and the handful of Ground-types usable in rain like Gastrodon. Spamming Electric attacks works wonders versus rain, as they will often have little to sponge Thunders and Discharges.

Are Sun teams viable?

Many abandoned weather teams, and ignored new Pokémon that could forever change the way these teams work. While all types of weather have gotten new toys, sun teams got the biggest and brightest, and with these new tools, sun remains a viable threat.

What is the best Sun team?

The 15 Best Pokemon For Sun Teams

  1. 1 Venusaur. Two out of the three Kanto starters make the top three.
  2. 2 Torkoal. Just as Pelipper has become the most viable weather setter for rain teams, Torkoal fills that role for sun teams.
  3. 3 Charizard.
  4. 4 Groudon.
  5. 5 Mega Houndoom.
  6. 6 Chandelure.
  7. 7 Ninetales.
  8. 8 Vileplume.

How do you counter the Sun team?

3 Answers

  1. Heatran. – rain team sun counter; Flash Fire absorber, Grass and Bug resistance, phaser (Roar), immunity to Will-O-Wisp and Toxic.
  2. Rotom-C and Celebi.
  3. Keldeo.
  4. Jirachi.
  5. Gastrodon (I’ll add a sand rain counter so you know what you need to deal with)
  6. Terrakion.

What is a good sun Team Pokemon?

What is a good rain dance team? The 15 Best Pokemon For Rain Teams 8 Kingdra. 9 Kabutops. 10 Scizor. 11 Drednaw. 12 Seismitoad. 13 Heliolisk. 14 Ludicolo. Ludicolo is the first of many Swift Swim sweepers on this list. 15 Politoed. While it was overtaken by Pelipper as the best rain sweeper in Generation…